factor out in Chinese
- 提出撰因子
- 析出因子
- "factor" in Chinese : n. 1.〔英国〕经销人;(代客买卖收取佣金的)经纪人; ...
- "out" in Chinese : adv. 1.〔位置及运动的方向〕向外,向外部;在外,在 ...
- "engine-out factor" in Chinese : 发动机失效时出现的特征
- "fan-out factor" in Chinese : 输出端数
- "safety factor for drop out" in Chinese : 回动可靠系数
- "a factor" in Chinese : 抽象因素
- "factor a" in Chinese : a因子
- "factor s" in Chinese : s因子
- "factor t" in Chinese : 维生素t
- "factor Ⅴ" in Chinese : 第五血凝因子
- "s factor" in Chinese : s因素; 空间能力因素; 修正率; 延伸因子
- "t factor" in Chinese : t]t因子; t因子,维生素t; 转移因子
- "will factor" in Chinese : 意志因素
- "be out" in Chinese : 不在, 公开; 出去;在外; 在外
- Factors out the common behaviors of all pieces
提取了所有对象的共有行为: - Factor out long expressions in the middle of statements
如果长表达式在语句的中间,可以额外提出来。 - Factoring out common code is a good practice , but it can t be applied in all cases
分解出公共代码是一个很好的习惯,但它并不适用于所有的情况。 - Cures and preventions : factor out the common code , if possible ; otherwise , update it
治疗和预防措施:如果可能,分解出公共代码;否则就对其进行更新。 - Just as before , we can minimize bugs of this sort by factoring out the common code
就象以前一样,我们可以通过分解出公共代码来将这种错误控制到最少。 - Of course , this example is one that a beginning programmer would quickly learn to avoid by factoring out the common code
当然,这个示例所示的错误是编程新手可以很快学会通过分解出公共代码来避免的。 - To improve performance , you may wish to factor out the code for each model attribute into its own method or a single method with a " switch "
要改进性能,您可能希望将每个模型属性的代码分解成其自己的方法(或者是一个带有“开关( switch ) ”的方法) 。 - Relationships indicate that you want to look closely at similar use cases , trying to find commonality that can be factored out into " subset " cases or equivalents
关系表示您应该密切关注相似的用例,尝试查找共同点,它们可以被分解成“子集”用例或等价物。 - However , some negative factors out of network issue a grim challenge to the psychological health of college students who are destitute of self - restraint and resistance against temptation
同时又给自制力、抵御力不强的大学生心理健康提出了严峻的挑战、产生了一些负面影响。 - When each cast is held to this level of scrutiny , you may find yourself factoring out many of these casts by adding methods to the relevant subclasses
- More examples: 1 2
Other Languages
- "factor out" meaning: Verb: factor out Consider as relevant when making a...
- "factor out" meaning in Japanese: (要素{ようそ}の一部分{いちぶぶん}を)取り除く、抽出{ちゅうしゅつ}するOnce the cost of the...
- "factor out" meaning in Russian: выносить за скобки, факторизовать выносить за скобки
"factor of variability" in Chinese, "factor of variable cross section" in Chinese, "factor of water in canal utilization" in Chinese, "factor of weight utilizaton" in Chinese, "factor of working place" in Chinese, "factor p" in Chinese, "factor p-zyma" in Chinese, "factor pair" in Chinese, "factor pattern" in Chinese,
- "factor of variability" in Chinese
- "factor of variable cross section" in Chinese
- "factor of water in canal utilization" in Chinese
- "factor of weight utilizaton" in Chinese
- "factor of working place" in Chinese
- "factor p" in Chinese
- "factor p-zyma" in Chinese
- "factor pair" in Chinese
- "factor pattern" in Chinese
What is the meaning of factor out in Chinese and how to say factor out in Chinese? factor out Chinese meaning, factor out的中文,factor out的中文,factor out的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.